Student & Client Protection Plan

  1. STAY HOME If you exhibit flu-like symptoms, cough, cold, fever, etc. PLEASE STAY HOME!

  2. SURFACES We will keep the studio as germ-free as possible including sanitizing all surfaces, floors, bathroom fixtures, door handles, and keeping a positive air flow.

  3. PROPS We encourage you to bring your own mat, towel(s), and props, however, we will still have these available for your use at your own risk.  We will be using a disinfectant approved by EPA for use against coronavirus on the mats and will be sanitized before/after each use. The disinfectant will be left on the mats for a minimum of 4 min.

  4. SIGN IN  It is recommended that students sign up for a class via MIND BODY prior to arriving. At this time, we are only allowing 8 students with the 6 ft distancing rule in place. So those who have a registration will be guaranteed a spot

  5. MASK POLICY Masks are not required for basic and flow classes. However, at your own discretion, you may wear a mask into the studio and once on your mat, remove it for yoga. If you are taking a Nidra class on Mondays, this class would be acceptable to wear a mask since there is very little physical activity and just mainly meditation and relaxation. If you choose to take your mask off, once the class is over, you may return to wearing your mask.

  6. MAT PLACEMENT Our floor is marked off so that mats are 6 ft apart. Mats line with the L-shaped tape on the floor.

  7. DISTANCING Please continue to follow current CDC recommendations for distancing yourselves from each other while in the studio. Only ONE person at a time using the prop and restroom hallway. Weather permitting, the front door will be kept open until the beginning of class and reopened by your instructor at the end.


  9. MASSAGE THERAPY Your LMT will be required to wear a mask until otherwise advised by local health authorities.