Before you take your first yoga class, you may be wondering what to expect and how you can ease into the practice as new yoga student. Here are a few fundamental tips to consider that will improve your experience at the studio.

Yoga is an extensive collection of practices and methods to incorporate into your daily life to bring harmony to mind, body, and spirit.
At Alpine Yoga studio, we believe that through the practice of specific postures called Asanas, the student develops a healthy relationship with their body – acceptance leads to happiness. What distinguishes yoga from other exercises is that the former is precisely cued, and the body and the breath are moved together. Embracing the experience yielded by staying in a specific yoga pose will bring you to a deeper awareness and acceptance of the self.


Yoga is for everyone but not every class will serve you.

Alpine Yoga offers classes designed to de-stress and ease the worries carried by the body and the mind: classes like power yoga strive to challenge you and make you stronger and classes that combine both aspects.

Check out our page for a more in-depth description of each class.

If you have a physical condition or are recovering from an injury, contact us beforehand to determine which class best suits your needs. Our Basic Flow is tailored for beginners and is a great way to start your journey as a new yoga student.

alpine yoga class type

Don’t worry about purchasing a yoga mat just yet!

We provide all the props you need for your first class, mat included. You can buy your first mat here and support our local business when you are ready.

Prioritize comfort and practicality when choosing your yoga clothes.

You don’t need special attire to practice yoga: a t-shirt and a pair of comfy pants will do. Colorful leggings are fun but not required. If you are attending a hot class, wear something you feel comfortable sweating in. Practicing barefoot allows you to become more aware of your body, as the feet touch the ground.

Alpine Yoga classes

Discomfort brings you out of your comfort zone and is necessary for long-term changes.

Lengthening tight muscles and opening parts of the body closed for a long time is not always a pleasant experience, but I promise you that the hard work will pay off and make you feel more at ease in your skin.

On the other hand, it is a long road to recovery if you go over the edge and injure yourself. If something doesn’t feel right in a yoga class, don’t do it and talk to your teacher about it.

It takes time and practice to recognize your appropriate depth in a pose. An Asana, a yoga pose, should be”sthira sukham asanam,” meaning ‘steady’ and ‘comfortable.’ Seeking a balance between these two aspects will steadily allow you to progress out of your comfort zone without unnecessary shocks or injuries.

Do you still have questions before attending your first yoga class? Comment below or contact us!


14 Day Unlimited yoga for $25

The beginning of a yoga journey is a special time. Alpine Yoga offers you a two-week unlimited class package for NEW students who want to try the studio. Attend unlimited classes and engage yourself in the community.

New clients only: limited use to in-studio classes